fredag 6 december 2013

Inspiration !

You probably allready seen it but if you have not you should. Minecraft : The story of Mojang is very inspirational for a indie developer or any kind of developer I would say. It is currently my background sound while working.

tisdag 15 oktober 2013

Making Tutorials ??

I'm thinking of creating tutorials that might help others to make games. I might not be the best of making games but it might help somebody that wants to start making their own.

Ever since I got a NES I've always known what I wanted to do. I think that there is allot of people out there that want to make games but having a hard time knowing where to start. So I will try to help some of you to start.

Today it is actually very easy to make games because of the huge amount of tools available out there. There are tools that are easy and there are tools that are hard. I will list some of the tools that I have worked with.

- Multimedia fusion 2
This is the program i bought after "The games factory" it has some features that "The games factory 2" does not. Here is a video showing some of the games that can be made with this program

Create games for  :  PC,  iOS, Android, XNA, Flash.

- Corona sdk
This is also very easy to use. With this you can make games and application for  iOS, Android, Kinde Fire and NOOK.

- Unity3D
This is what Im currently using and it is a great engine. I have made several games with this mostly for iOS and Android. The most recent is "Hold the gates"

Create games for  : PC,  iOS, Android, Flash, Windows phone, Windows store, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360, Blackberry 10, WiiU, PS3, Web.

There are alot more engines that you can create games with but I will try to make a tutorial for each of these.

måndag 14 oktober 2013

Update !!

So it has been awhile since the last update.. I will try to be more up to date with my posts. After the release of Hold the gates I have been working on some smaller projects and prototypes. 

And soon I will release a game that is what I would call a web-runner because it uses the webpage data from the url you enter to create a level. That would actually mean that there is in theory as many levels there is homepages. It generates the level based on the html code of the specific webpage It then parses it and find different tags to use to create different objects in my game. So for example a <img> tag represent a cogwheel in my game and so on..  

fredag 16 augusti 2013

Hold the gates is now available!!

Finally the game is out on both the Appstore and google play store. Also we got a very good review from Gamereactor 8/10. So go ahead and buy it.  Download links is found here hold the gates.

tisdag 23 juli 2013

New ideas!!

Now that we have finished our game I have started to do some prototyping for our next game. I don't really know what it is going to be just yet but I'm playing around on a coop game where you are supposed to drive around things. Also I started to develop a small application you can use on your iPhone/Android as a controller for the game currently it works over the WiFi and are just using Unity's own networking solution.  But it is very fun to do some prototyping again after such a big project hold the gates turned out to be.

torsdag 18 juli 2013

DekkoDash a new indiegame company!!

In May me and my two friends Pär andersson and Patrik Hålén started our own game company called DekkoDash AB. And soon we are finished with our first big release "Hold the gates". I have written about this game before and upon til now we have been working hard on the game. The iPad version is done and approved and we are working on some small fixes for the android version. We have made a trailer for the game that you can watch here.

tisdag 15 januari 2013


Often when i work on my games i use to listen to inspirational interviews or other clips. And here are some good tips when working. The names listed below are some of the people that I believe has done alot for the indie scene and are what I believe very inspirational people.

So if any of you guys visit my little devblog i would like to thank you for giving me the inspiration to get better and to work harder on creating games that people want to play.

 Indie Game The Movie: A documentary that follows the journeys of indie game developers as they create games and release those works, and themselves, to the world.

Edmund McMillen : Game designer from Team Meat.
     Interview 1
     Interview 2

 Tommy Refenes : Programmer from Team Meat.
     Interview 1

 Derek Yu: Mossmouth
    Interview 1

 Jonathan Blow
    Interview 1
    Indie prototyping


måndag 14 januari 2013

Almost done or?

When you are creating games especially with no funding it isnt always easy to take all the time one needs to do all the work that is nessary. So thats why Pär has gotten some extra work to stay afloat. And I have started to look for some extra work as well. But with that said we are still working as much as we can to get the game done before febuary. Pär has started to do the final graphics for the levels and Im adding all the sounds that Daniel i creating.